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          We began in 2016 with an idea and a dream. A dream to work as a family providing quality milling services. We purchased our first sawmill then and the venture began. Our first slices of timber were from our farm. Every cut was unique, as we peeled back each layer of wood not knowing what might await us. From this, Lone Cedar Milling was born.

          Next, we began exploring other features of the wood industry such as plans and specs, joinery, planing, and the use of polyurethane. Before we knew it we had learned a little bit about building and designs. Our dream blossomed from milling services alone to include custom wood work. This new venture needed a new name.


          The original endeavor began with Ottis Eddins, affectionately known as Gramps. While rummaging through a barn belonging to Gramps, we found his old branding iron displaying his initials (pictured below). While in need of "rebranding" ourselves from a milling service to a wood working business we considered this to be a sign. Gramps was originally a carpenter by trade and we were beginning our new endeavor. Hence, Original Endeavors was created.



Our mission is to provide you with a quality, custom piece that will last your family a lifetime.

Our hope is that our love for wood and the diversity that each cut brings will extend joy to others.

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